Automated Import to Datarock: Drill Core Photography from Imago

The article outlines the process, requirements, and limitations of implementing the Imago API to transfer images and metadata from Imago to the Datarock Platform for data processing using computer-vision technologies.

Some of Datarock’s customers take drill core photography on site and use Imago Connect software to transfer the images and associated metadata to Imago.

Once available on Imago, Datarock copies the images and associated metadata into the Datarock Platform using the Imago API, then performs data processing using computer-vision technologies, to provide geological and geotechnical data products.

This document outlines the process, requirements, and limitations of the implementation of the Imago API to copy images from Imago to Datarock. 


The following example outlines how Datarock interacts with data on Imago, using the Imago API.


Datarock queries new and updated Imagery data using the Imago API. The frequency of this query is flexible (e.g. hourly, weekly). 

Images associated with these Imageries are then exported from Imago and imported into Datarock.


Imago Service Account

Datarock will require a Service Account (previously Imago ID) in order to integrate with Imago, note this is not Seequent ID.

We require a Service Account because Imago's API, which we integrate with, is not compatible with Seequent ID.

If you need to create a Service Account, you can submit a support request to Seequent and they will generate credentials for you to provide to Datarock.

Seequent ID

Datarock will also provide a Seequent ID to be added to the relevant Workspace, including access to Imago Connect. 

We use this periodically to review data and troubleshoot if required.

Image Rotation

EXIF stands for Exchangeable Image File Format and is a standard for storing supplemental metadata in digital photos, including rotation information. It is best practice to use this information to ensure images are displayed correctly, however, as outlined on this page (Imago Help and Resources), Imago ignores image EXIF (rotation) metadata which is not normal practice.

In order to ensure Datarock displays the images the same as they appear in Imago and minimise differences and therefore frustrations, Datarock modifies the EXIF rotation data on import.


  • Imago Workspaces and Datarock Projects: Datarock has Projects that integrate 1-to-1 with a Dataset within an Imago Workspace. It is therefore recommended that customers have all core imagery in a Workspace in one Dataset (e.g. Drilling) to enable all drilling to be imported. 
  • Box numbers: Customers ensure that core box numbers (start and end) are always reported as metadata when submitting images and metadata to Imago. Datarock relies on core box number sequences to ensure appropriate depth registration and to account for missing boxes during processing. If any new or updated imagery in Imago under the relevant imagery type and image type does not have box numbers, the import service will fail, awaiting metadata addition to the sources in Imago.
  • Core loss data: Customers provide up-to-date core loss files to Datarock in the defined format and location (detailed in this document). If Datarock receives drill core imagery from Imago before core loss files, Depth Registration will run without the information contained within the core loss files, resulting in poorer performance. The platform will indicate if Depth Registration needs to be re-run if there is out-of-order core loss and image data availability in Datarock.



  • Uploading a new Image to an existing Imagery will not be copied into Datarock if the new Image is uploaded after more than one API query cycle.

  • Editing metadata of an Imagery (e.g. Box, start and end Depths) in Imago would create an alternative image in Datarock, without deleting the original image. A user would have to manually delete the incorrect image in Datarock.

  • There is a lag between creating an Imagery and assigning an Image to that Imagery in Imago. If a Datarock query to the Imago API identifies a new/updated Imagery but no associated new Image, the next query to the API will not be aware of the new Image. To mitigate this, Datarock adds a short time overlap between requests. This removes the effect of the lag between generation of an Imagery and an Image, however results in possible duplication of returned Images from Imago. In this scenario, the duplicate Image will be imported into Datarock, prompting new Image Preparation and Depth Registration runs.

  • Datarock can not delete records that are in Imago. This includes metadata.

  • Datarock can not set a date/time range to query for new or updated Imageries or Images. The Imago API only allows for querying of Imageries within a given time from the time that the API is called.

There is no way to filter Imageries by the Image Type of associated Images. If a Customer was to introduce a new Image Type, the query time could be impacted.

Document Version







14 July 2022

M Grujic

Initial release


16 August 2023

S Johnson

Included image rotation