What are the Minimum Requirements for Imagery in Datarock?

Learn the minimum requirements for uploading core box imagery for Datarock’s geotechnical and geological analysis.

To ensure the best results in geotechnical and geological analysis with Datarock, images uploaded must meet specific criteria:

  • File Type:

    • The image must be a .jpg.
  • Core Box Requirements:

    • The image must be of a core box.
    • If there are multiple boxes in an image, they should be arranged sequentially from the lowest number at the top of the image to the highest at the bottom (e.g., boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Tip: For best results, stack core boxes in a single column (top-to-bottom) rather than left-to-right.

  • Depth Indication:
    • Images should provide some indication of depth. This can either be through naming of the image file, core blocks, or depth markings written on the core itself.
  • Quality Standards:
    • Geotechnical Requirements: The image quality should allow clear visibility of the rock and tray. If these are visible, most geotechnical analyses can proceed.
    • Geological Requirements: Geological details must be discernible.

Note: A good rule of thumb is if geological features are visible in the image, we can typically model them. If not, analysis may be limited.

  • Avoid the Following to Ensure Usability:
    • Panoramic photos that merge multiple core boxes.
    • Foreign objects in the core boxes, such as garden hoses, aerosol cans, PVC pipe, etc.

Warning: Avoid reflective surfaces like steel inside the core box, as glare can significantly reduce image quality.

Following these guidelines will help us make the most of the data and imagery provided.

Unsure if your photos meet these requirements? Reach out to us, and we’ll provide an assessment of your imagery at no charge!

For more detailed information on maximizing the value of your core images, see our Core Photography Guidelines.